龙年大吉大利,好运龙总来 Happy Dragon’s Year

龙年興 ,龙年行大运

Kedai Autogate Puchong

Kedai Autogate Puchong

May the Dragon year bring you prosperity and happiness!

Install Autogate Klang Valley

Install Autogate Klang Valley

如果你在烦恼家里的autogate电门问题,auto gate坏了,想安装全新的电动门,那就要尽快联络Kedai Autogate

Pasang Autogate Puchong

Pasang Autogate Puchong

Swing autogate 电动门, folding gate, smart autogate, sliding gate, Dnor Autogate, FBM Autogate, Dea Autogate, Celmer underground, Oae Autogate, G Force, DCmoto Autogate, 什么autogate motor我们通通都有。重点是价格便宜,人人都可以安装电动门。为了庆祝农历新年,一套KRON品牌电动门只需 RM 1xxx 。欢迎来电,千万别错过我们的auto gate电动门超级配套千万别错过2024全新电动门优惠

During this New Year celebration, we would like to offer a Special Autogate Package. For further details or to secure your package, feel free to give us a call now

预约电话 电动门专线: 018 – 207 9198 or
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/60182079198
Website: www.kedaiautogate.com.my